What is BYOD?
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a term used to describe a digital device ownership model where students use their privately owned devices to access the departmental networks and information management systems in an educational setting.
- BYOD recognises that technology and choices about technology are very much personal.
- BYOD acknowledges technology in education enhances opportunities to meet specific curriculum requirements.
- BYOD is designed to give you, as students and families, freedom to make technology choices that suit you and all your circumstances.
IT devices are a powerful means of differentiating and personalising a student’s education, and student-owned devices allows student choice regarding which applications best suits their learning and
communication style. We are giving families control over the choice of IT device students use at school (within specifications).
How does it work?
The BYOD program for Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 is on hold temporarily.
Students in years 5 to 12 are required to bring a laptop to school every day. Recommendations as to the model of device which students choose to bring are based on technical specifications rather than brand or model of device. Students and parents/carers are required to sign the
Woodcrest User Charter Agreement. A member of the school staff, the BYOD Technical Support Officer, is available to answer questions and to give assistance. However, the school does not manage, support, own or warranty the device - it's your device.
At school level, there is management of student owned devices via the ‘BYOD Solution’. This provides students with a secure log in to the school’s network enabling access to in-school digital resources and the internet, at all times protected by Education Queensland’s filtering and reporting systems.
On Boarding Your Device
For further information on how to on board your device visit the link:
On Boarding
What type of device can we bring?
The expectation of the Woodcrest State College is a laptop device. Devices that support Windows operating systems will provide students with the most advantage. Some devices such as Tablets may connect to the BYOD network however we will not provide technical support to these devices. There are a range of devices in a range of price categories that meet the device specification requirements.
NOTE: Chromebook and Android devices are NOT compatible with the school network.
Minimum specifications
Non-technical subjects
• Intel Core i3/Dual Core Processor (or equivalent)
• Intel HD Graphics 5000 (or equivalent)
• 4Gb RAM
• 120Gb Hard Drive (note: we recommend a 240Gb or Solid State Drives for increased durability and speed)
• Wireless Network 5Ghz
• Battery sufficient to last 6 hours on Balanced Power Mode
• Windows 10 or 11 64bit Operating System. (note: Windows S Mode is not compatible).
• USB 3.0
• Windows Defender or other Virus Protection (Trend Micro is NOT recommended)
Accessories: Wired headphone is required for exams such as NAPLAN Online
Technology subjects (Design, Media and Information Technology)
Accessories: Wired headphone is required for exams such as NAPLAN Online
Where do I purchase device?
Devices can be purchased in store or online through the following BYOD portals or any other computer shops of your choice:
https://datashop-qld.datacom.com.au/woodcrestsc to access the portal.
Username: woodcrest
Password: parent
JB Hi-Fi
Go to online portal www.jbeducation.com.au/byod
Enter School Code: WOODBYOD2024
School Locker
Generate a Student Advantage Number and order online at:
HP 50R74PA 14" | JB HIFI | $498.00 | WINDOWS 11 HOME |
Lenovo IdeaPad 1i 14" | OFFICEWORKS | $397.00 | WINDOWS 11 HOME |
HP 14-inch Celeron-N4500 | HARVEY NORMAN | $388.00 | WINDOWS 11 HOME |
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 1i 14"
| GOOD GUYS | $449.00 | WINDOWS 11 S (Free upgrade to Home) |
*Prices accurate as at 30/11/2023 and subject to change.
Required Software
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office 365 Education’ allows students to install the Office 365 applications (Word, OneNote, Teams, PowerPoint, etc.) at no cost to families. Microsoft Office can be downloaded at home when students sign in to
www.office.com using their school email address and password. For instructions please click
Windows Defender antivirus software is advised.
Adobe Creative Cloud
This software is available, free of charge, to students studying in specific subjects such as Design, Media and IT at the school.
Care of Device
It is the responsibility of families to keep their chosen IT device in good working order to ensure minimal disruption to learning. It is expected that students bring their IT device to school each day fully charged. Each device should be clearly labelled with the student’s name.
Students should take care to completely turn off their device when moving around. This will ensure a smooth reconnection to the network in their next classroom as well as ensuring no damage is to done to the Hard Drive.
Cellular Connection
BYOD students are not provided any type of cellular 3G or 4G connection and while at school they are not permitted to use any cellular connection (mobile hotspot) to access.
Device Checklist
The checklist below should be followed for each device that is to connect to the BYOD network prior to bringing the device to school.
Completely shut down the laptop and restart it while connected to your network at home. This is to make sure the laptop has received and applied all updates.
Ensure the account the student uses to log onto the laptop is an administrator account
Time and date are correct
An up to date anti-virus is installed.
Purchasing insurance is a personal choice – we highly recommend this. When purchasing your laptop please check your options to purchase accidental damage protection for your device. Ensure that this covers your device for accidental damage on and off the school campus. Fire, theft and Acts of God are usually not covered under these programs, but you can include it in your personal or home insurance. The insurance can be purchased with your computer vendor or any insurance company. All insurance claims must be settled between you and the insurance company.
We recommend that parents ensure all devices are covered by an extended warranty to last the student’s time at Woodcrest State College.
BYOD Security
In consultation with the school community, we have conducted a review of the security Woodcrest will offer to the students that will be part of its BYOD. Security of devices during practical lessons and during lunch breaks will be offered to all students that are part of the BYOD at Woodcrest.
As a result, Woodcrest will be offering the following security for BYOD:
- Students that will be part of Industrial Tech classes and HPE classes will have a locker available to them (during the practical lessons only) to store their device.
- Lockers will be placed in specified areas that students can access before lunch breaks to store their laptop at lunchtime only.
- Students will be able to purchase a combination lock from the school if they wish to use these lockers. Only locks purchased from the school will be accepted.
Other items the school recommends parents/carers purchase
- Protective case.
- Pointing device (mouse or stylus).
- Onsite warranty (Next Business Day (NDB) Onsite Warranty is STRONGLY recommended).
- Accidental Damage Protection insurance (ADP) preferably from the manufacturer.