Every child deserves an outstanding education that ensures they reach their potential and experience success. Woodcrest State College is a dynamic school that provides the ultimate learning experience for the needs of the students in the greater Springfield area.
Students at Woodcrest State College experience a rich array of learning pathways to cater for their educational needs and interests. From academic programs to sporting excellence, music and the arts to vocational programs are offered at Woodcrest to ensure every student can find a pathway to success.
Academic excellence is prioritised through our focus on a developing a culture of achievement. Catalyst, is designed to extend and challenge our academical students. The Secondary School student results in the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) evidence our committment to ensuring student success.
Woodcrest State College offers a number of state-of-the-art facilities including; a technology hub, fully equipped gym, full sized industry standard catering facility, professional studios for dance and drama and modern well equipped classrooms.
Also located on the College site is Western Technical Excellence Centre (WesTEC). This centre partners with TAFE SouthWest and other Registered Training Organisations to provide a range of certificate to diploma courses that prepare our students for immediate employment and pathways to tertiary study.
At Woodcrest State College we offer a well-rounded engaging curriculum and quality, explicit teaching to ensure that learning is relevant, age appropriate and consistent across the College.
Throughout the school our dedicated highly trained professional team of staff direct the learning of each student. The school employs a sophisticated data tracking process that monitors the progress of every student from Prep through to year 13 with a focus on every child experiencing success.
Our focus on developing a culture of belonging recognises the diverse community who access our college and fosters a community to which they are welcome, included and feel safe in. I look forward to welcoming your family to Woodcrest to become part of our college community.

Debbie Hansen
Executive Principal