


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Student Resource Scheme payme​nts

What is the Student Resource Sch​​eme?

The education of children in state schools is a partnership between parents and the Government, under the Education (general Provisions) ACT 2006 (QLD), the cost of “I​​nstruction (teaching), facilities (buildings) an​​d administration (schools operation costs, power, water ETC) are met by the state."  State funding does not extend to individual student resources such as textbook, equipment for personal use and items used/consumed by the student in the classroom.  Parents are responsible for supplying these items that are required to assist with students' learning. If buying them individually this can become extremely costly for families. Therefore, to ease the burden of this to parents, Woodcrest State College operates a Student Resource Scheme.

The college has the ability to bulk purchase educational items through government approved suppliers' programs, allowing us to provide resources at a reduced rate to what single purchases can source.

Participation in the scheme is voluntary and parents/caregivers are under no obligation to join the scheme. However, if you elect not to join the scheme, you will need to provide all necessary textbooks, resources and materials for your student for the whole year.

The Student Resource Scheme operates under the policy and guidelines of the Department of Education and is endorsed annually by the P&C Association.  Payment options are available should you be experiencing financial difficulties. Please contact the Finance Business Manager to discuss your options. 

​2025 Student Resource Scheme information

​Prep - Year 6
​Year 7 - Year 9
​Year 10 - Year 12


​Benefits of participating in the scheme​

Students participating in the Student Resource Scheme (SRS) will be provided with all textbooks and items required for each subject.  Students will also receive many resources and materials required in the course of their studies. Please note, Woodcrest does not have any other subject fees.  

The scheme ensures your student receive the necessary material to enable and enhance their education. without any further financial burden or time spent trying to find the correct resources.

SRS Participation

Upon enrolment, all families are provided with a Student Resource Scheme Participation Agreement Form (SRS PAF). One form per student needs to be completed and it only needs to be completed once for the life of the student's enrolment.  Should your circumstances change; you will be required to complete a new form. Please contact the Finance Department to discuss.

Resource Inclusions

All resources included in the SRS are detailed in the attached SRS resource list. This list is also available on the school's website. This is a comprehensive list of all resources include​d in the scheme and their associated costs.

Type of resources provided​

Generally, the three ​​types of resources that could be included are:

  • Owned – these items are retained by the student and used as required (e.g., stationery, exercise books, student diary).
  • Used – these items are used/consumed in class by the student (e.g., industry technology/cooking/art supplies).
    • work/items produced from these resources will remain the property of the student.
  • Hired – these items are hired to the student for their personal use for a specific period of time (e.g., textbooks, musical instruments, laptops).
    • Hired items must be returned to the school in good condition at the end of the hire period or if the student leaves the school.
    • A repair or replacement cost may be charged to the parent for any hired items that are damaged or not returned.

The Student Resource Scheme does not cover:

  • Additional costs associated with Sports Academies
  • Voluntary financial contribution
  • Co-curricular activities such as excursions, camps and performances
  • Non – curricular optional activities, end of year celebrations, senior shirts/jerseys and formals

Before students can be considered for participation in any non-curricular optional activities, a parent who has joined the scheme is expected to have;

  • Fully paid the Students Resources Scheme
  • Have no outstanding debts
  • Or have a formal payment plan as previously arranged with the Finance Business Manager.

Financial difficulties

It is acknowledged some families can experience financial difficulties. Parents/caregivers in these circumstances are urged to contact the Finance Business Manager to discuss individual payment options. All discussions will remain confidential.

Large family discount:

Woodcrest State College is committed to offering support to families to meet the needs of providing textbooks and other resources to their children while attending school. A discount is offered to parents or caregivers with four or more children. This discount will be extended to parents who submit the application form and fulfill the specified terms and conditions. The application form is accessible at the top of the page, and it is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to avail themselves of it.

Non–payment of fees

Students with outstanding fees may be denied the opportunity to participate in optional, non-curricular activities.

Non-participant in Student Resource Scheme

Where parents/caregivers elect not to join the Student Resource Scheme, they will be required to purchase all resources including textbooks and consumable items. 

For further information and a detailed breakdown of the schem​​e, please refer to the 2025 Student Resource Scheme Handbook.

Payment methods

There are several options to make your payment:

Option 1: BPOINT Online Card Payment

BPOINT is now the preferred pa​​​​​​​yment method for all student invoices at Queensland State Schools. 

  • ​​Go to the BPOINT Online Card Payment website.

  • To use BPOINT you must have your CRN and Invoice No. (located on your invoice). This information will all​​ow you to pay via BPOINT using a credit or debit card. BPOINT will provide you with a receipt for the transaction.  

​​​Please note that payments processed via BPOINT will take overnight to appear on the School’s bank account.

Click here for further inst​ructions.

Option 2: BPOINT by phone

Phone payment using credit/debit card via BPOINT 1300 631 073.  Please quote CRN and Invoice number from invoice provided.

Option 3: Payments (EFTPOS)

Located at Campus Administration.

Opening hours: School days between 8.00am and 10.00am.  

You can pay via EFTPOS or Credit Card.        

​Option 4: QParents (COMING IN 2025)

Please contact the ​Finance Department for assistance in setting up your QParent account.

​Option 5: Centrepay

Pay via Centrelink by completing a Centrepay Deduction form and returning to Campus Administration. ​​​​

​Option 6: Payment Plans

Payment pla​​n arrangements can be made via email to

​​​If your family is experiencing hardship, please contact the Business Manager of Finance via email at ​

Last reviewed 25 February 2025
Last updated 25 February 2025