Let’s connect for mental health this Queensland Mental Health Week (QMHW!)
QMHW will be held from Saturday 5 October to Sunday 13 October, encompassing World Mental Health Day
on Thursday 10 October.
The theme is ‘Connect for mental health’, emphasising the proactive measures we can adopt to nurture and
support positive mental health and wellbeing for ourselves and our communities.
With hundreds of events set to occur during QMHW there will be plenty of opportunity for communities to
connect in-person and online.
You can also join the conversation on social media by using the hashtags #QMHW and #Connect4MentalHealth,
tagging @MentalHealthWeek on Facebook or @QldMentalHealthWeek on Instagram.
Funded by the Queensland Mental Health Commission, Queensland Mental Health Week is coordinated by
CheckUP and delivered through strong cross-sector collaboration.
To learn more about Queensland Mental Health Week, search for events, download resources, and find
support services, visit qldmentalhealthweek.org.au.
For 24/7 crisis support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.
In an emergency, call 000